Once Upon A Christmas Time
December 29, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

We are proud to have such honest, hardworking, and loyal caregivers like you on our team. Thank you for all that you do and have done for Angels Heart. May this Christmas season bring an abundance of happiness and peace to you and your loved ones. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of success.
- #2022
- #2023
- #4thofjuly
- #911
- #988
- #abuse
- #accomplishments
- #advancedirective
- #aerobics
- #aging
- #aginggracefully
- #aginginplace
- #airport
- #alamedacounty
- #allergens
- #allergies
- #allergymedicine
- #allergyrelief
- #allergyseason
- #angel
- #animation
- #anniversary
- #antifragile
- #antioxidant
- #antiphishing
- #anxiety
- #aorticvalve
- #Arlington National Cemetery
- #armweakness
- #assistance
- #atomicbomb
- #atomicworkers #oppenheimer #fatherofatomicbomb #nuclearphysics #physicist
- #audiobook
- #babyboomer
- #beauty
- #bestlife
- #bestmom
- #biographies
- #bishopranch
- #blanket
- #bloating
- #boomers
- #bounceback
- #brain
- #brainhealth
- #burnout
- #bypasssurgery
- #cabg
- #cancerresearch
- #candle
- #cardiacrehabilitation
- #cardiovascularhealth
- #caregiver
- #caregiverjobs
- #caregivers
- #caregiversday
- #caregiversforatomicworkers
- #caregiverskills
- #caregivertraining
- #caregiving
- #caring
- #celebrate
- #charliebrown
- #cheers
- #chores
- #christmas
- #christmas #christmaseve #grandparents #parents #aunt #uncle #cousin #family #familyfriends #holidayseason #yuletide #christmastime
- #christmas #holiday #yuletideseason #caregiver #
- #christmasmanger
- #citycenter
- #civilwar
- #cleanlifestyle
- #closeness
- #cold
- #coldweather
- #community
- #communityevents
- #companionship
- #connect
- #connection
- #constipation
- #contracosta
- #control
- #coronavirusvaccine
- #covidvaccine
- #cpr
- #cva
- #cybercrimes
- #dad
- #dailyexercise
- #death
- #Decoration Day
- #departmentofaging
- #Dependents of Veterans
- #depression
- #difficultybreathing
- #dignity
- #dinner
- #discord
- #districtattorney
- #division
- #dizziness
- #dnr
- #domination
- #donate
- #dontevergiveup
- #dove
- #dream
- #dreams
- #elderlaw
- #elderlawattorney
- #elderly
- #elderly abuse
- #elderlyscams
- #elders
- #emergencynursing
- #emotional pain
- #emotionalattachment
- #empathy
- #Empowerment
- #endoflife
- #engineer #losalamos #nuclearplantworkers #benefits
- #enrichment
- #entrepreneur
- #epipen
- #errands
- #essentialworkers
- #estateplanning
- #europe
- #exerciseroutines
- #exodus
- #extendedfamily
- #facialnumbness
- #fallen heroes
- #falls #fallprevention #fallinjury #fallseason #falling
- #family
- #farmersmarket
- #farmtotable
- #fatherofatomicbomb
- #fathersday
- #february
- #february17
- #federalaid
- #feelingsofhelplessness
- #fiduciary
- #financialplanning
- #fireworks
- #firstanniversary
- #firstbirthday
- #flowerarrangement
- #flowers
- #foodie
- #foodtruck
- #fraud
- #freedom
- #freedom fighters
- #friendships
- #fulfillment
- #furbabies
- #GI Joe
- #gift
- #giftideas
- #gifting
- #goodhealth
- #gram
- #gramps
- #grandkids
- #grandma
- #grandparents
- #granny
- #grief
- #groceryshopping
- #growing
- #growth
- #happyfathersday
- #happyholidays
- #happynursesweek
- #hardwork
- #headache
- #Healing & Recovery
- #healthandsafety
- #healthcare
- #healthiswealth
- #healthrequirements
- #healthydiet
- #healthyliving
- #heartattack
- #heartbeat
- #heartsurgery
- #heatingsystem
- #heatstroke
- #heatwave
- #help
- #hero
- #heroes
- #hiring
- #history
- #hobbies
- #holiday
- #holidays
- #Holidayseason
- #Home Care Aide
- #homecare
- #homecareprovider
- #homecareservice
- #homecareservices
- #homes
- #homesweethome
- #hospitaldischarge
- #hostility
- #hotelcleanliness
- #housekeeping
- #humanconnection
- #hydrate
- #hypothermia
- #identitytheft
- #immunity
- #immunotherapy
- #impatience
- #income
- #independenceday
- #indooractivities
- #inhomecare
- #inhomecaresupport
- #Integration
- #interests
- #irritation
- #isolation
- #iweus
- #jimvalvano
- #joy
- #july
- #june events
- #justiceinaging
- #kindle
- #Korean War
- #laborday
- #laborday2024
- #lackofenergy
- #leadership
- #learning
- #lightclothing
- #linus
- #listee
- #livelifetothefullest
- #livewellresourcefair
- #livingwill
- #localbusiness
- #loneliness
- #Long Term Care
- #longtermcare
- #longweekend
- #lossofbalance
- #love
- #lovedones
- #lubdub
- #lucy
- #manhattanproject
- #marines
- #marquistopnurses
- #marquiswhoswho
- #maskcare
- #massager
- #may
- #may14
- #mayflowers
- #mayholiday
- #mealpreparation
- #medicaidplanning
- #medicalemergency
- #medicareplannig
- #Memorial Day
- #memorialday2023
- #memories
- #mentalhealth
- #mentalhealthcrisis
- #mentalheath
- #mentor
- #merrychristmas
- #metime
- #military
- #mimi
- #mind
- #mindmatters
- #mitralvalve
- #mobility
- #moderna
- #mom
- #mother
- #mother'sday
- #mothersday
- #mum
- #music
- #n95mask
- #nana
- #nationalcancerinstitute #vfoundation #cancer #charity
- #nationalcaregiversday
- #neuroplasticity
- #neuroplasticity #brain #mind #mentalhealth #brainplasticity #psychology
- #newcaregiver
- #newyear
- #nonma
- #nuclearcarepartners
- #nurses
- #nursing
- #oldage
- #oppression
- #organdonation
- #organicfood
- #pain
- #papaya
- #papayaseeds
- #peace
- #peaceofmind
- #peanuts
- #peanutscharacter
- #Persian Gulf War
- #personalcare
- #personalneeds
- #petcare
- #pfizer
- #phishing
- #placement
- #plantbased
- #playbook
- #pollen
- #polst
- #pooltime
- #position
- #postop
- #postsurgery
- #powerofattorney
- #preceptor
- #primarycaregiver
- #productivity
- #prosperity
- #quantummechanics
- #quarantine
- #rehab
- #relationships
- #respect
- #Respite Care
- #respitecare
- #retireathome
- #retirees
- #retirement
- #retirementplanning
- #robe
- #sacrifices
- #safetravel
- #safety
- #sanitize
- #sanitizer
- #sanramonca
- #scamemails
- #scams
- #seasonalaffectivedisorder
- #seclusion
- #self-discovery
- #selfcare
- #selfkindness
- #selfless
- #selflove
- #senioradvisor
- #seniormoment
- #seniors
- #service
- #servicemen
- #shelterinplace
- #signsofburnout
- #skills
- #slurredspeech
- #sneezing
- #snoopy
- #socialinteractions
- #socialsecurity
- #soldier
- #soldiers
- #Spanish American War
- #spring
- #springtime
- #standardofcare
- #stateaid
- #stayingactive
- #stress
- #stroke
- #strokealert
- #subservience
- #success
- #suicideprevention
- #summer
- #summer2024
- #sunscreen
- #support
- #Survivors of Veterans
- #sweater
- #tea
- #teacup
- #team
- #teamwork
- #teatime
- #telemarketers
- #temperature
- #thrive
- #time management
- #tissuedonation
- #topnurses
- #topprofessionals
- #topqualitycare
- #transplant
- #transportationservices
- #travel
- #travelling
- #trinity
- #tuxedocat
- #ukraine
- #unbreakable
- #unconditionallove
- #unemployment
- #unitedstatesholiday
- #unwellness
- #usairforce
- #usarmy
- #usnavy
- #ussoldiers
- #VA Benefits
- #vaccination
- #vaccinationcard
- #vaccine
- #valverepair
- #veterans
- #veteransbenefit
- #victoryovercancer
- #Vietnam War
- #Vitality
- #volunteer
- #war
- #warmclothing
- #warningsignsofstroke
- #water
- #wateryeyes
- #wellbeing
- #wellness
- #wheezing
- #winter
- #woodstock
- #workoutvideos
- #World War I
- #World War II
- #worldwar
- #worldwar2
- #yaya
- #yoga
- #youmatter
- #zumba
- Aged
- aging
- blood pressure
- caregiver
- caregivers
- Christmas
- corona virus
- cough
- covid-19
- Dementia
- diabetes
- elderly
- Elders
- fever
- flu prevention
- flu symptoms
- handsanitizer
- handwashing
- happyholiday
- happynewyear
- Healthcare
- healthcare workers
- healthy diet
- healthy lifestyle
- healthyliving
- heart
- high blood pressure
- Hiring
- holiday
- holiday season
- Home Care Worker
- hypertension
- irish blessing
- Job Opening
- Jobs
- lockdown
- love
- lucky charm
- march
- margaret mead
- Memory loss
- new year
- newyork
- novelcoronavirus
- Nursing Assistant
- pandemic
- prediabetes
- Respect for the Aged Day
- senior citizens
- seniorspecialist
- shanghai
- shortness of breath
- sunburn
- sunlight
- travel
- uva
- uvb
- uvc
- uvcsanitizerbox
- uvradiation
- valentine
- Veteran
- vitamin D
- wellness
- world elder abuse awareness day
- wuhan
- Yuletide