Our Message To The World
Angels Heart Home Care Services is greatly saddened that so many people around the globe have lost their loved ones to COVID-19 and the worse is still yet to come. We wish that we could just all wake up from this nightmare and be done with it! However, what keeps our company going are the inspiring acts of kindness during this time of adversity. We have realized our limitations as humans and because of this we have learned to become more giving and forgiving of each other. It became easier for us to appreciate life and to honor the practice of mindfulness for every moment we get to spend with the people we love. Most of all, we learned how to pray again and surrender to the will of our CREATOR with utmost faith.
We value and thank caregivers around the globe for showing up to work so they can continue to care for families needing their support and assistance. You truly are heroes! These are unprecedented times. Please practice diligence in protecting yourself and the recipients of your care.
The community ceaselessly thanks healthcare workers for the work that we do. We think that it is just as much sacrifice to stay home, bear a pay cut and take the risk of losing one’s job for the sake of the common good. Heroes don’t necessarily have to be on the front line to become one. We are all heroes. Our company thanks each and everyone of you for all the support and for doing your noble part in this important mission of saving our world!