February 07, 2025
Elder Law
We welcomed 2021 with great anticipation beginning with the coming of a vaccine that we hoped would slow down, if not put to a halt, the present pandemic. The world embraced this medical breakthrough with open arms despite lack of research data and unclear risks involved. There were many of us who were open to take that great stride. Both on a personal and national level, we sought some form of change that would move us forward. This is not the time to back down. We have already lost so much: our jobs, time, money, and most especially human lives that involved even our own loved ones. It is definitely a time to bounce back.
Looking back over the past year, our company has been actively involved in helping private families as well as healthcare facilities around the Bay Area as they face the many challenges of this time. We take great pride in being able to deploy our committed team of caregivers who responded to the various needs of our clients on their road to recovery as well as provided staffing to several Residential Care facilities who had been hit hard by COVID-19. Twenty-twenty (2020) was a rough year but we have managed to ride above the wave. It is the year that challenged our resilience to make the most of what we got.
For 2021, Angels Heart Home Care Services commits to augmenting productivity through the creation of more jobs. We find this goal crucial in stimulating the present economic state by helping the nation’s unemployed sector. In California alone, there are about 1.7M people who are out of work. This is such a vast resource that is not being utilized efficiently to move our economy. In physics, think of it as all the unused potential energy waiting to be tapped and transformed into kinetic energy.
We are committed as a company to provide opportunities for income and career growth. We dedicate our time to searching for caregivers who are serious in their craft and are willing to team up with us in achieving our mission of improving the quality of life through our home care services. To our existing team of care providers, Angels Heart honors you as the true heroes who have consistently served with dedication and professionalism. Caregiving is not a task but rather a gift that we are all capable of giving to each other.
It is our goal to be able to provide a unique personal experience of special connection and support in healing through caregiving. We believe that “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Soren Kierkegaard
Lastly, the fuel that feeds us is the need for our communities to thrive. Angels Heart hopes our services will be instrumental in helping our clientele experience LIFE to its fullest. We all have time. However, it is also a finite and a non-renewable resource. Our time is fleeting and uniquely different based on our own reality.
Let us focus on creating and re-creating the best possible time out of life every time.
Like diamonds that are formed over billions of years under conditions of intense heat and pressure, we humans are also capable of being anti-fragile: stronger, better, wiser.
We would like to thank contributors of https://unsplash.com/ for the awesome images.