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Once Upon A Christmas Time

December 29, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

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We are proud to have such honest, hardworking, and loyal caregivers like you on our team. Thank you for all that you do and have done for Angels Heart. May this Christmas season bring an abundance of happiness and peace to you and your loved ones. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and

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The Mind Gym

November 13, 2020 - by angelsheart - in MyTryb Wellness Articles, Uncategorized

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Change is happening everywhere around us. In fact, the change is taking place so much faster than the human mind could grasp. Cosmically, as new stars and heavenly bodies are born, other elements in space die simultaneously from extinction. In our planet Earth alone, we have seen how even the tiniest living organism can undergo

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Stay home

Shoo The Flu

September 25, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

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Summer 2020 started on June 20th and officially ended on September 22nd. This marks the autumnal equinox when the sun’s center crosses the equator from North to South. After the September equinox, the Sun begins to rise later and nightfall comes sooner, paving the way to Autumn. Although we expect things to slow down by

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August 22, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

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I should say that the responsibility of taking care of my mother became an unspoken expectation rather than a voluntary act. Everyone in my family presumed that since she lived with me and I was the youngest of 7 siblings that I would easily transition and take on the role of her primary caregiver. She

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The world is temporarily closed

Zap It!

May 10, 2020 - by angelsheart - in MyTryb Wellness Articles, News, Uncategorized

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We are officially on the 55th day (and still counting) since the government enacted the Shelter-In-Place order. It took the world by surprise. In this age of Artificial Intelligence and technological advancement, there seems to be nothing that we cannot solve and fix. However, with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed how vulnerable

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Going Viral

March 15, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

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On March 13, 2020 at approximately 4 pm ET, Pres. Trump declared the corona virus pandemic as a national emergency. The President declared an emergency under the Stafford Act, the 1988 law that past Presidents have used to declare disaster areas after storms and other natural calamities. This Act allows access to $42B of the

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Lucky Charm

March 13, 2020 - by angelsheart - in Uncategorized

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“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead Caregivers change the world for the better. HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! angelsheart


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